Sourcemod l4d2 tank spawn
Sourcemod l4d2 tank spawn

sourcemod l4d2 tank spawn

L4D_SetVersusMaxCompletionScore(iDistance) If (cvar_unfreezeSaferoom.IntValue = 1 & IsTankActuallyInPlay() & GetUprightSurvivors() > 0) distance points!") you have convar overflow, enter in console this command 'smcvar tankonspawnhp' and check is it really changed. The possible reasons: - you have other plugin that controls tank hp.

sourcemod l4d2 tank spawn

Public Action L4D2_OnEndVersusModeRound( bool countSurvivors) 12-03-2020, 22:41 Re: L4D1 & L4D2 Tank on Spawn. HookEvent( "player_death", PlayerDeath, EventHookMode_Post) HookEvent( "tank_spawn", TankSpawn, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy) //no params pls Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Mutant Tanks PayPal.

sourcemod l4d2 tank spawn

HookEvent( "round_start", RoundStart, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy) //no params pls l4d2 l4d tanks sourcemod super-tanks supertanks last-boss lastboss tank-plugin mutant-tanks mutanttanks mutant plugin sourcemod-plugin l4d1 valve source-engine sourcepawn alliedmodders alliedmods. Beirut explosion: Experts can spot tell-tale signs of the causes of a blast - heres what this one tells us Chris Hunter is a counter-terrorist bomb disposal operator. PrecacheSound( "ui/pickup_secret01.wav") The Texas City explosion started raging fires throughout the area, most of them in oil storage tanks. Description = "Stops distance points accumulating whilst the tank is alive, with the option of unfreezing distance on reaching the Saferoom"Ĭvar_noTankRush = CreateConVar( "l4d_no_tank_rush", "1", "Prevents survivor team from accumulating points whilst the tank is alive", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0) Ĭvar_unfreezeSaferoom = CreateConVar( "l4d_no_tank_rush_unfreeze_saferoom", "0", "Unfreezes Distance if a Survivor makes it to the end saferoom while the Tank is still up.", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0) Ĭvar_SpawnEnableSound = CreateConVar( "l4d_no_tank_rush_spawn_sound", "0", "Turn on the sound when spawning a tank", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0) Ĭvar_noTankRush.

Sourcemod l4d2 tank spawn